Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Authorized Dustin Brown Blog

Well, I'm taking the plunge. I've decided to start my very own blog. To be honest, I'm rather excited about the prospects of having a blog. There's a couple of blogs that I follow and find interesting. I'm not sure if this is going to go anywhere, but I guess we'll see.

I suppose the main reason for me starting a blog is the writing class I'm in. Nearly 8 years after graduating from high school, I am still finishing up my general ed. classes at Clackamas Community College. This term I'm having my second go at Writing 123, The Research Paper (insert dramatic music here). I've never been very good at writing classes. One of the hardest things has been finding a topic I can enjoy while not having to give up life for 10 weeks just to do it justice. Like I said above, I've had a growing fascination with blogs, why people have them and what their purpose is. It seemed like a natural fit for me to write a paper on blogging. It's just the right balance between being interesting and manageable. I can do this topic justice and I think my instructor will like it (always a plus!).

So as part of my "research" for this class, I thought it only fair to start my own blog. I'm not totally sure what this will turn into. Maybe I'll just be posting my thoughts for the day, or have some deep thoughts about family or theology. My goal is to post at least 2-3 times a week. One thing I always want to include is a question. I want to engage with you and get your feedback on what I'm thinking/feeling/writing. If you're reading this blog, thank you. I know you have more important things to do, so I really appreciate you listening to the a often scattered thoughts of a grown up ADD kid. Please feel free to post your questions/comments/snide remarks (I'm talking to you Ben!).

So for this weeks question, I'd like to know your thoughts on blogging. Do you have or follow any blogs? If so, what do you get out of it? If not, why? Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks everyone, talk to you soon.


Oh, and let me take this time to pimp my twitter: dbrown9

1 comment:

  1. Blogging: in a word, underrated. I've found it cathartic and rewarding. I'll be the first (maybe) to "follow" you. I fully support this. :-) And, you can check out mine.... ;-)
